Dr Ignacio Pérez Roger
Vice-Rector for Research
Dña. Sara Marqués Saurí
Sara Marqués Saurí
Dr. D. Esperanza Ferrando Nicolau
Dean of the Faculty of Law, Business and Political Science
Leopoldo García Ruiz
Head of the Department of Law
Pedro Caja Meri
Head of the Department of Economics and Business
Emilio Callado Estela
Head of the Department of the Political Science, Ethics and Sociology
Gonzalo Rubio Irigoyen
Researcher at the Department of Economics and Business
Dr. José Manuel Amiguet
Dean of the Faculty of the Humanities and Communication Sciences
Dr. Enrique Anrubia Aparici
Head of the Department of the Humanities
Dr. Jorge Pérez Llavador
Head of the Department of Journalism
Dr. José Martínez Sáez
Head of the Department of Audiovisual Communication and Advertising
Dr. María Miranda Sanz
Dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences
Dr. Maria Miranda Sanz
Head of the Department of Biomedical Sciences
Dr. Eugenia González Rosende
Head of the Department of Pharmacy
Dr. Laura García Garcés
Head of the Department of Nursing and Physiotherapy
Dr. Marta Ribelles Llop
Head of the Department of Dentistry
Dr. Belén Merck Navarro
Head of the Department of Medicine and Surgery
Dr. Joaquín Sopena Juncosa
Dean of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
Dr. Empar García Roselló
Head of the Department of Animal Medicine and Surgery
Dr. David Viana Martín
Head of the Department of Animal Production and Health, Public Veterinary Health and Food Science and Technology
Dr. Ignasi Rosell Escribá
Director of ESET
Dr. Antonio Falcó Montesinos
Head of the Department of Mathematics, Physics and Technological Sciences
Dr. Andrés Ros Campos
Head of the Department of Design and Architecture
Dr. Fernando Sánchez
Director of IDIT
Dr. Francisco Bosch Morell
Director of ICB
Dr. José Antonio Solves Almela
Director of ODISEAS